April 7, 2021
Alex Osuchowski is a PhD student in the Project 4: Novel Anchors and Subsea Foundation Systems project stream. Alex’s research interests lie in the integration of geophysical and geotechnical data collected during offshore site investigations to maximise our understanding of seabed conditions. His work focuses on the development of a workflow that utilises geophysical sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data to estimate geotechnical sediment properties for sites on the Australian North West Shelf (NWS). The early estimation of these properties (before the geotechnical investigation has taken place) is intended to inform preliminary seabed infrastructure design efforts.
“From the perspective of an offshore geotechnical engineer, geophysical site investigation data, while valuable, are largely qualitative in nature. The ability to use these data to estimate quantitative sediment properties over large areas of seabed would be very useful for offshore geotechnical engineers involved in preliminary seabed infrastructure planning and design.“
In support of Alex’s work, industry partners are providing field data from site investigations conducted on the NWS. Alex is using these data to develop and validate the workflow described above. He is collaborating with researchers from the University of Southampton.
Alex is an active participant in the OFFshore ITRH mentoring program and for further details of his research, please refer to his profile page.