September 19, 2016
The 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference will be held on the grounds of the University of Western Australia in December 2016 and will bring together an international group of scientists, engineers and educators with common interests in fluid mechanics. The conference, organised in collaboration with the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, has a long history dating back to 1962 when the inaugural conference was held in Western Australia. After an absence of more than 50 years, the conference will thus be returning to Western Australia in 2016.
The conference is open to all fields of fluid mechanics research. Areas of interest include Aerodynamics, Boundary layers, Computational fluid dynamics, Experimental techniques, Fluid-structure interaction, Hydraulics, Hydrodynamics, Oceanography, Pipe flows, Renewable energy, Turbulence, and Wind engineering, among others. Seven plenary speakers, including Professor Robert Dalrymple, Professor Sonya Legg, and Professor Roman Stocker. will cover a diverse range of research areas. Many of the OFFshore ITRH researchers will be present.
Registration and welcome is scheduled for the evening of Sunday December 4th, and presentations will the run from Monday December 5th to Thursday December 8th.
Further information on the conference is available here.
Image (c) 2016 Paul Bonar