Training for Early Career Researchers

September 5, 2018

The OFFshore Hub has joined forces with the Australian Centre for LNG Futures (ACLNGF) to provide PhD students and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) with training opportunities in a variety of key areas. To date three workshops have been held in the Woodside OceanWorks space, with a fourth planned for next week.

The first two workshops focused on Science Communication, with presenters Dr. Miriam Sullivan of Curtin University, and editor Michael Hopkin of The Conversation presenting on a variety of methods for implementing effective strategies to share knowledge, engage with an audience and effectively inform debate. The ultimate goal of this training is to create effective science communicators that can actively facilitate public engagement on scientific issues.

The third workshop focused on the Inclusion and Diversity agenda of the OFFshore Hub, with presenter Dr. Lucienne Tessens speaking on the subject of “Unconscious Bias”. This well attended, interactive workshop provided an opportunity for attendees to challenge their own and others’ biases, with the ultimate aim of fostering a more inclusive workplace.

The fourth workshop will be on “How to write a good academic paper”, at which PhD students will progress a technical publication they are currently working on. This popular session will be headed by OFFshore Hub Chief Investigator Dr. Conleth O’Loughlin, with support from a variety of mentors drawn from both the OFFshore ITRH and the ACLNGF.

Future sessions are in the works on a variety of topics including: post PhD career pathways, data analytics for complex engineering models, and further tools for effective science communication. Sessions topics are arranged largely based on requests from the PhD students and ECRs.


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