February 23, 2022
As official sponsor of the Society for Underwater Technology’s (SUT) first Evening Technical Meeting (ETM) of 2022 in Perth, OFFshore Hub members presented to a packed (socially distanced) house – with over 75 people in attendance.
The OFFshore Hub sponsored event highlighted impactful project outcomes of the OFFshore Hub wave-structure interaction research stream. The multidisciplinary research group, which wrapped in Dec 2021, presented on three topics related to recent advances in floating vessel response prediction and its benefit to industry.
In true collaborative fashion, OFFshore Hub presenters included Ian Milne (UWA) and Matt Zed (Woodside) presenting on Integrated offshore floating system response, Wenhua Zhao (UWA) and Ian Milne (UWA) presenting on Tackling gap resonance during side-by-side offloading, and Hugh Wolgamot (UWA) and Yuriy Drobyshevski (Shell) presenting on Data Informed decisions.
Congratulations to everyone involved! It was a great night – a winning combination of impact driven technical presentations and networking. Stay tuned for the next talk to be delivered as part of the OFFshore Hub’s Impact, Engagement and Legacy program.
Additional photos from the night can be found here: https://www.sut.org/branch/australia-perth/events/event-photos/etm-feb-22/