May 4, 2020
William Edge is one of the PhD students in the Project 1: Metocean hazards from solitons project stream. His research focuses on clarifying the sediment suspension and transport processes under non-linear internal wave forcing on the North West Shelf (NWS). By analysing the OFFshore Hub’s unique field data from the NWS, William will be able to quantify and parameterise sediment fluxes with the aim of improving confidence in subsea foundation design and near-seabed visibility predictions for ROV inspections.
“I am using the dataset to investigate the mechanisms for sediment suspension on the continental shelf and plan to use numerical models to investigate the spatial variability of these effects so that erosion and near-bed visibility can be more accurately predicted.”
The ability to predict conditions near the sea bed will allow designers to more confidently accommodate erosion, provide more accurate estimates of maintenance intervals, and assist with planning targeted expeditions during favourable conditions.
William is an active participant in the OFFshore ITRH mentoring program and for further details of his research, please refer to his profile page.